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What does the myofunctional therapy program entail?


The myofunctional therapy program is a commitment; 14 sessions. This can last anywhere from 6 months to a year to complete. The length may vary due to client or client/parent participation.  Any habits such as thumb sucking or nail biting  may also lengthen the program. Daily exercises are to be performed  2-3 times a day


Does insurance cover myofunctional therapy or other therapy?

We take HSA, FSA, and we are an Empowerment Scholarship Vendor. For therapies such as feeding, speech, oral motor therapy, we can create a superbill to send to your insurance.​

What is an integrative approach and why do I need to do it

It is important to have a collaborative approach for overall health and improves therapy results.  For example after the full evaluation, I will determine, based on my findings, if you need to see an ear nose a throat doctor for an evaluation for a deviated septum, or large tonsil and adenoids that can be blocking your airway. Or I may also send you to an orthodontist or dentist to expand the roof of your mouth to optimize your airway. Each individual will vary. Collaboration is key. We will also be your support and help guide you through the process of when to see these providers and we may recommend certain providers in your area

Do I have to follow the treatment plan?

Depends on what you want as an end result. If you want to be the most healthy you can be, then yes, follow the treatment plan. If you are okay with subpar results then you do not have too. It takes a team to collaborate and to transform the health of a person. I am a huge advocate for doing things correctly the first time around. If you are going to do myofunctional therapy, my recommendation is to go all in, no skipping corners. 

Am I too old for myofunctional therapy?

Never. You can benefit from therapy and most people who do myofunctional therapy will benefit from it

Why doesn't my doctor know about myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy has been around for 100 years. It is not, however, taught in schools. Current literature supports myofunctional therapy and shows great benefits. 

Is therapy in-person or online?

All therapy is 100% virutal from the comfort of your home on a schedule that works for you

certified airway specialist
myomunchee practioner

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