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Services 6months-Adults
100% Teleservice

***We can give you a superbill to submit to your insurance***

Our Services

Antelope Canyon



During a consultation you will get a better understanding of what myofunctional therapy is and what it entails.


Comprehensive Evaluation

 Includes an extensive myofunctional evaluation along with going over results.  After the evaluation, a carefully planned treatment plan will be given to help assist in your journey in conjunction with myofunctional therapy.


Myofunctional Therapy

Ages 4+. A 6-12 month program. Will be working on tongue and facial muscle strengthening, endurance,  jaw grading, proprioception, proper function, lip seal, breathing nasally, proper oral rest posture, and habit eliminations if needed. We believe in tailoring therapy to the child or adults needs for best and lasting results.


Mini Myofunctional Therapy Ages 2+

Ages 2+.  Therapy includes 7 fun and interactive sessions with the first session being an exam. This program is great for a child is not yet ready for a full myofunctional therapy program but can benefit from therapy and get the child ready for the full myofunctional therapy program with a team base approach near you.


Baby 6 -18 months with access to myomunchee bebe and or Advice 

Includes access to purchase the myomunchee bebe and a one 30 minute session on how to use the myomunchee bebe with tips and tricks to get your little one using it, and to guide you in the right direction on proper growth and development of the jaws or concerns you have with your child


Speech and Feeding Therapy in AZ

Ages 3 years old and up.  Feeding therapy is more than just “teaching a child to eat.” Therapists work closely with patients and their families to determine the source of the child's difficulties and develop very specific therapies to make the entire process of eating easier and more enjoyable.

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